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Looking up customer by invoice number when entering receipt

PostPosted: January 24th, 2012, 8:30 pm
by Customer Service
Looking up a customer by invoice number when entering a customer receipt

The receipt documentation (a check, for example) may provide only an invoice number (no customer ID or name), or the customer name may not correspond to the ID or name you know the customer by. You can look up the customer ID by entering the invoice number in the Find dialog.

1.In the customer ID or name field in the Deposits window, right-click or press F3.
2. The Find dialog box will open. Enter the invoice number and press Tab. (Be sure to use the correct invoice number format and case.)
3. The system displays the customer in the field below the invoice number field.
4. Press the OK button in the Find dialog to continue.
5. The system then displays the customer in the Deposits window.