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GJ entries not showing up in Bank Reconciliation

PostPosted: January 24th, 2012, 8:37 pm
by Customer Service
General Journal entries are not showing up in Bank Reconciliation

What is happening is a result of having multiple Bank Account definitions which are configured with the same G/L account.

If a G/L account is used multiple times, only the first Bank Account found that uses the G/L account is going to be updated for those postings. Basically the program scans the Bank Accounts in the order they were initially created. Defining multiple C21 Bank Accounts for the same “physical” Bank Account or configuring multiple Bank Accounts with the same G/L account will make using C21 Reconciliation more difficult.

Possible Solutions:

Use the Bank Accounts/Transfers command to update the activity from the Bank Account Perspective.


Enter reversing entries to “undo” the activity already posted. Then go through Bank Accounts/Configure/Bank Accounts and make sure each Bank has a different, unique G/L account assigned. Then, re-enter the desired General Journal entries.

We really recommend that users not use journal entries to bank G/L accounts. To avoid future Reconciliation issues, change the Bank Account configurations to make the G/L account assignments unique.