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21st Century Accounting Help - Payroll/Reports

Print W-2s

Use Payroll/Print/W-2 to print W-2s on paper. (Use Electronic Filing/W-2s to prepare an electronic file of W-2s in the data folder on the computer where the data resides.)

To verify W-2 information before you print the forms, print the W-2s at any time during the year for the selected Payroll year. You can produce the previous year's W-2s after you start running Payrolls in the new year by simply opening the W-2s window, selecting the year you want, and filling in the other information.

21st Century Accounting follows federal guidelines for the selected Payroll year to place W-2s information in the correct boxes on the appropriate W-2 form. The instructions you provide when you set up Payroll factors for reporting additional deductions, noncash benefits, and incomes determine W-2 placement of the data from those factors.

In the Print W-2s windows:

  • The "Form" field drop-down list shows the forms supported by 21st Century Accounting. You select the form on which to print the W-2s. The preprinted forms print your W-2s in a single operation. The "Plain Paper Laser" forms (on which the system creates the form itself as well as filling in the data) require several print operations, which are described in detail in the Related Topic below.

  • You can print for all employees in a company who have W-2 data or print only a selection of employees. This allows you to print a W-2 for an employee who leaves the company without knowing a future address, or to print for any subset of employees you wish.

  • Sorting options let you print the W-2s in order by SS number, name, state of employment, or department.

  • You can override the configuration name for "Other information box" pay factors with your own description or memo.

  • You provide information for the tax authority about your company.


  • Edit Company Info. If you want to change the company name, Tax ID, or company address for submitting the W-2s, click the Edit Company Info button. The General Ledger/Configure/Company window opens where you make any necessary changes. Click the OK button when you are done to return to the W-2s window where the name, Tax ID, and address from the Company window are displayed.
  • Print Sample. In the Print W-2s window, you can click the Print Sample button to open a window from which you preview a sample W-2. The sample shows fields as they appear if completely filled with digits and characters.

    Print the sample on your printer on a W-2 form to make sure you printer alignment is correct or print on a blank sheet of paper and compare in the light.

  • Preview. Click Preview to print all the W-2s in the run to the screen.

  • Print. Click Print to print the W-2s on paper, according to your employee selection and your sorting options.

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