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Creating Recurring Entries in G/L, Sales, and Payables

Most companies record a number of routine adjusting and closing journal entries at the end of each accounting period. Typically, these entries account for ongoing items such as depreciation, amortization of prepaid expenses, and expense accruals.

Many companies also have recurring customer charges (such as standing orders) and vendor payments (such as rent and utilities) to record.

To create batches of recurring entries, follow these steps:

  1. Create a batch of the entries (GJ entries, customer invoices, or vendor invoices) you want to post periodically.
  2. Save the batch as a recurring batch. (Right-click the batch in the left paine and select Make Recurring from the options menu.) The batch folder becomes green to indicate that it's a recurring batch. You can edit a recurring batch at any time.
  3. When you're ready to post the recurring entries, you can either right-click the recurring batch and choose "Copy for Posting," or highlight the recurring batch and click the Post batch button.
  4. Edit the Batch Options window (batch period/year and name) if necessary. The system makes a copy of the recurring batch that you can edit as required and then post.
  5. If necessary, open the recurring batch copy in the data entry window to edit, add, or delete entries.
  6. Save and post the batch when you are done.

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