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21st Century Accounting Help - System/Company

System/Company/Convert - BPI Users's map to 21st Century Accounting

If you are moving to 21st Century Accounting from BPI Accounting, use this Map to the 21st Century!

Our goal is to make sure you can find all the BPI commands and functions in your new accounting system or on your Windows - especially the ones that don't have a perfect one-to-one correspondence from BIP to 21st Century Accounting.

You'll find most BPI functions in 21st Century Accounting where you expect them to be and called what you expect them to be called. We've moved or consolidated some functions, for the reasons that follow. We hope that after you've used 21st Century Accounting for a while, you'll agree that the changes make sense.

Why are there changes from BPI to 21st Century Accounting?

  • BPI Users over the years have suggest changes to the menus and functions. We remembered your suggestions while we designed 21st Century Accounting. It goes without saying that the people who use the software daily are your best guides to its deficiencies, whether in actual functionality or just the way the parts are arranged. We've listened to you and tried to put your best ideas into this produce.
  • The BPI-for-DOS design decisions were made in a very different world from the one we work in today. Today's technology and the Windows environment make a whole new realm of software innovations possible. Naturally, we have taken advantage of that! As a Windows user, you'll understand that Windows does many things that the BPI-for-DOS standalone application had to do for itself.
  • In 21st Century Accounting, we have consolidated some BPI functions that always seemed logically related. And we've pulled some areas that really deserved their own top-level menus out of the traditional ledgers up to the main menu bar.

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