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21st Century Accounting Help - Receivables

Customer and Vendor Status

Review Customer Status

Use the Receivables/Customer Status window to view a "snapshot" of a customer's charges, payments, and balance due.  You select a customer for viewing and click the Preview button to display activity.

The customer status report shows invoice activity through the current 21st Century Accounting date.  You can include paid invoices in the Status report by checking the "Show paid invoices" box in the Status window.

Print Posted Customer Invoices

You can print hardcopies of posted sales invoices, credit memos, and debit memos from the Customer Status window. Double-click an invoice number in the Customer Status window to open the invoice in the Preview window. Then click the printer icon to print the invoice.  This feature is similar to printing posted invoices from the Invoice Journal Preview window.  You can print multiple invoices with fewer keystrokes from the Customer Status window.

Review Vendor Status

Use the Payables/Vendor Status window to view a "snapshot" of purchases, payments, and balance due to a vendor.  You select a vendor for viewing and click the Preview button to display activity.

The vendor status report shows invoice activity through the current 21st Century Accounting date.  You can include paid invoices in the Status report by checking the "Show paid invoices" box in the Status window.


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