
21st Century Accounting Tutorials - Bank Accounts

Renumbering Checks

Use the Bank Accounts/Renumber Checks window to renumber individual posted checks — including voided checks — to give a check a different check number from the number currently associated with it. The new number must be a number that has not already been used by a check on the selected bank account.

The old check number becomes available for use once you post the renumbered check. Write the old number down if you want to reuse it. The old number does not become the default next check number during data entry; you must specify it for the printed or manual check.

In the Renumber Checks window, you indicate the check's bank account, enter the old and new check numbers, and enter the reason for the change.

Run Bank Accounts/Renumber Checks.

Batch Options. Press Tab to accept the batch name. Click OK.

Bank account ID. Type 01.

Check number. Type 002067.

You enter the existing posted check number that you want to change. You use this function to give this check a different check number from the number currently associated with it.

Since you voided this last check, you can reuse the check number if you wish.

The old check number becomes available for use once you post the renumbered check. Write the old number down if you want to reuse it. The old number does not become the default next check number during data entry; you must specify it for the printed or manual check.

Renumber to. Type V002067.

Enter the new check number for the existing posted check. You use this function to renumber individual posted checks -- to give a check a different check number from the number currently associated with it.

Once you post the new number, all past and future transactions associated with the check will be associated with the new check number.

Description. Type check voided

Enter the reason for changing the check number from the existing number to a new number.

Click OK.

Renumber Checks window

Bank Accounts: Renumber Checks window

Click Post batch to complete the renumbering.


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