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Working with Financial Report Templates

21st Century Accounting provides a copy of each default financial report template that you can copy and customize as many different ways as you wish.

Remember - the templates control the rows on financial reports and the reports control the columns.

The system also provides a set of the default financial report templates that you cannot delete or change, for "insurance." If you "mess up" a financial report template and want to start over with a fresh template, make a new copy of the default template. To copy one fo the default templates (in fact, to copy an of th templates), highlight the template in the left pane. Right-click the mouse or press the Windows Menu key (right of the Windows Icon key to the right of the Spacebar) for the options menu and select copy.

Using the Report Template Design Workspace to Customize a Template

Let's look at the tools that help you modify a financial report template.

  1. Run General Ledger/Configure/Financial Report Templates.
  2. Double-click the Income Statement folder.
  3. Highlight the Default Income Statement template in the left pane. Right-click the mouse or press the Windows Menu key (right of the Windows Icon key to the right of the Spacebar) for the options menu and select Copy.
  4. In the Report template name field, type whatever name you wish over "Copy of Default Income Statement."
  5. Tab down through the checkbox options in the upper part of the workspace window. Press F1 at each option to review the Help for each option.
  6. Highlight the caption in the Income Statement workspace and press the F2 key. The Caption Properties window opens, where you can edit the text that appears for the caption and the caption total. Press F1 at the first option in each section of the window. Press Esc.
  7. Still in the workspace, press the F9 key to see the insertion menu, which lts you insert a Caption, Text Only, or a Report total. Press Esc.
  8. At any place in the workspace, press Alt+i. Highlight different captions and accoutns and then press Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow and Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow to see houw you can change the indentation.
  9. At any place in the workspace, click the right mouse button to see the complete menu of tools available for customizing templates.
  10. You can close the window without saving changes. You might, however, want to keep this template as a learning tool.

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